New Years Resolutions – we all make them, but do we stick to them? Those superficial ideals that we concoct at the beginning of the year all sound great and we usually start off strong and slowly those ideas get wiped away with well….life.
So this New Years – I’d like for you to do something different.
I want you to DREAM.
Just let yourself relax for a moment, give yourself a break and imagine what your perfect life would be like – if there were no limitations – nothing stopping you from achieving your perfect life – what would that look like.
How would you look? How would you talk? How would you act? What would be the most important thing for you in that life and how would you feel….
Who would be in your life? Who wouldn’t be?
And just really immerse yourself in this perfect life of yours. Feel it inside, what that would be like.
And when you’ve done that – I mean really done that, really felt what your perfect life would be like – walked, talked and moved through that life and felt how that would feel – ask yourself in your life right now – are you happy? Content? Or in need of a change?
What is one thing that you could change today to push you in the direction of your perfect life?
Make a commitment – put it in writing and Do that one thing!
And keep in mind today’s message – instead of starting your year off making RESOLUTIONS start it off taking one step at a time towards your DREAM LIFE.